Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I jumped on the blogging train

This is my first ever blog post. I love reading blogs, there are several I read everyday, and it seems like a fun thing to do. Will I attract readers or will it just be a new age diary? Either way it's nice to get my thoughts out.

I'm a stay at home mom of three, two are in school and one is too little to carry the other half of a conversation yet. The dogs and cats don't care to talk much either. Staying home now is so different from when I stayed home 8 yrs ago. I don't know know why but I seemed to have it together so much better back then. I didn't have the internet distraction or a smartphone to always be "plugged in" to said internet then so that's probably a big part of my problem now. An upside to this distraction was stumbling upon an online community of crazy women all having babies around the same time as I was. Several of those women and I spun off into a smaller Facebook group where we became even more tight knit. I've never been much of a joiner as I've never felt I really fit in anywhere, but I'm glad I joined this group.

This post will probably all over the place, as will subsequent posts, because that's how I am in real life too. I rarely stay on topic, but wander away from it and eventually come back to it, only to wander away again.

Ok, so a little about me. I have 3 amazing kids, Hunter who is 10, Kala who is 8 and Abigail who is almost 1. When I was younger I always wanted 4 kids, but I envisioned them all right away. Of course, life is what happens when you're busy making plans so I didn't have all my kids one after the other. Having a third so many years later has it's pros and cons. Pro is the older kids can help a lot more but a con is feeling like you are starting over when you're so much older and more tired.  Not that 31 is old, but it's a big difference from 21. Also, do I still want one more baby? Some days I think yes, I want my 4 and Hunter and Kala are so close I want Abigail to have that bond with a sibling too. Other days I think maybe 3 is enough. We also have far too many animals which is most likely affecting my view. Running a home and taking care of 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and a dozen chickens makes a busy day. I love my life off the beaten path though. I grew up living in the middle of a moderate city but always dreamed of living outside of town on several acres of land. I never liked having my neighbors right there and in my business and now I've got plenty of space from them.

I must attend to mom things now, breaking up a tug of war between baby and dog.

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